WTMJ: Rep. Gwen Moore calls for investigation of Health Department after lead snafu

WTMJ - U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore is urging the Centers for Disease Control to investigate the Milwaukee Health Department after the recent lead exposure notification concern.
U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore is urging the Centers for Disease Control to investigate the Milwaukee Health Department after the recent lead exposure notification concern.

In a letter to the CDC the congresswoman said, “I am concerned about my constituents, especially the children who may not have received appropriate care.”

Moore wants clarification on how the city's child lead poisoning prevention program is being handled.

Milwaukee's Public Safety and Health Committee voted against the appointment of Interim Health Commissioner Paul Nannis Thursday.

The committee did agree his nomination be put on file. That means the full Common Council will take the appointment up for vote at a later date.

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