CBS 58: Wisconsin lawmakers look to stop sexual harassment in D.C.

CBS 58 - After a string of sexual harassment allegations against prominent politicians, we sat down with Rep. Gwen Moore, D-WI, about what she thinks is the problem.
By Brendan Cullerton

After a string of sexual harassment allegations against prominent politicians, we sat down with Rep. Gwen Moore, D-WI, about what she thinks is the problem.

"These neanderthal views that men have need to be examined," Moore said. "We need to educate boys."

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-WI, released this statement after the latest allegations of harassment by a U.S. Congressman in a week filled with them.

“This report is extremely troubling. Last month, I directed the Committee on House Administration to conduct a full review of all policies and procedures related to workplace harassment and discrimination. A Committee hearing last week examining this issue led to a new policy of mandatory training for all members and staff. Additional reforms to the system are under consideration as the committee continues its review. People who work in the House deserve and are entitled to a workplace without harassment or discrimination.”

Moore said it's not just a problem in Washington.

"We have a rape culture in our society. We are conditioning and socializing men to see this as their right.."

Attorney James Walcheske says local businesses have seen the news this week and told him they're rethinking their policies.

"They've said, you know, man, this came up. It came up a few years ago or whenever it was, and this happened and we didn't take it as seriously as we should have. And this causes you to reflect on what you've done."

He says despite increased news coverage, sexual harassment has been the same problem for a long time.

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