The Capital Times: U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore: 'Donald Trump has come undone'

The Capital Times -U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) thinks it’s a good thing that chief strategist Stephen Bannon left the White House this week.
By Rob Thomas

U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) thinks it’s a good thing that chief strategist Stephen Bannon left the White House this week.

She’d like to see President Donald Trump follow him out the door.

Moore was a guest on “UpFront With Mike Gousha” Sunday, and told Gousha that she wants to use every legal and constitutional means at her disposal to remove Trump from office. She demurred at the idea of impeaching the president, however.

“Impeachment takes a long time,” he said. “I want him removed as soon as possible using our Constitution and the tools that we have. I think that Donald Trump has come undone. He is exhibiting all of the signs of a breakdown.”

Moore said the last straw for her was Trump’s comments last Tuesday in the wake of a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. A counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and many others injured when a neo-Nazi drove his car into a crowd. Trump said that he condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists, but that they were “many fine people” on both sides of the protest, and that some of the counter-protesters were also violent.

“When you can’t denounce neo-Nazis and the KKK and you’re going to to double and triple down on these things, it’s a real demonstration that you’re really not in touch with history, with reality, with what it means to be president of all of the United States,” Moore said.

Moore said she believes many of her Republican colleagues in Congress are privately thinking along the same lines as she, and urged them to come forward.

Gousha noted that Trump’s statements and behavior, while drawing criticism from both Democrats and Republicans, is not out of line with things he had said and done and the campaign trail. And he was legally elected.

“He was duly elected through a constitutional democratic process,” Moore said. “And I will use that same constitutional democratic process to remove him.”

While the 25th Amendment does allow a process for removing a president from office if deemed unfit, Gousha noted that would need the approval of the vice president, a majority of Trump’s cabinet and two-thirds of Congress.

“You’ve got to start somewhere, Mike,” Moore responded. “We need to admit that we made a mistake.”

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