Gwen Moore Opposes So-Called "Keep Your Health Plan" Act

This legislation is nothing more than another attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Staci Cox  
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, DC— Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) voted against H.R. 3350, the Republican titled “Keep Your Health Plan” Act. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 261-157. She released this statement: 
“This legislation is nothing more than another attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The so-called ‘Keep Your Health Plan’ Act does not actually require insurance companies to maintain their policies for those who would like to remain covered under the same plans. Perhaps most noteworthy, however, is that this bill will allow insurance companies to offer policies to new consumers that do not meet the quality standards under the Affordable Care Act. H.R. 3350 would give insurance companies the ability to discriminate against consumers based on their pre-existing conditions and gender. In addition, this legislation would remove the peace of mind offered under the ACA by restoring annual health care limits. 
“Instead of working to dismantle the ACA, we should work together to improve it where necessary. Recently, President Obama announced that he is unrolling an administrative fix to the Affordable Care Act that will allow insurers to offer customers the chance to renew their existing health coverage through 2014, without changing their plans. Insurers would have to notify their enrollees that they can purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, where they could be eligible for premium tax credits. Insurers would also have to tell consumers that their existing plans do not offer the same protections as the plans in the Marketplace.
“Clearly, the President is responding to the many consumers who want the ability to keep their existing health plans. Given the extremely challenging rollout, people have been blocked from viewing the plans offered through the online exchange and finding a plan that is competitively-priced and comprehensive. I encourage the Obama administration to continue working hard to fix the website. I look forward to learning more about the President’s plan and investigating how it will impact the people of Wisconsin. In the same vein, I urge my colleagues to put aside political posturing and work to ensure that Americans can receive the care they need and deserve.”
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