Gwen Moore Supports Students, Opposes Republican Education Bill
Washington, DC,
July 19, 2013
H.R. 5, a rewrite of former President Bush's •No Child Left Behind,' turns its back on our nation's education system and the children it serves.
Contact: Staci Cox (202) 225- 4572 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) opposed legislation that disadvantages students. H.R. 5, the GOP’s “Letting Students Down Act,” passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 221 to 207. “H.R. 5, a rewrite of former President Bush’s ‘No Child Left Behind,’ turns its back on our nation’s education system and the children it serves. The bill does nothing to replace the devastating education sequester cuts and reduces critical funding by over $1 billion next year alone. In addition, this bill dissolves school accountability that would otherwise help ensure struggling students, including children with disabilities, are receiving adequate assistance. Among other damaging provisions, this bill does not take appropriate steps to help guarantee our students are receiving equal access to quality education. It also fails to support our nation’s teachers. “In its original form, H.R. 5 could have reduced funding for our high-needs schools. Our students’ socio-economic status should never determine the quality of their education. I am pleased that my amendment, cosponsored with Representatives Frederica Wilson (FL-24) and Danny Davis (Il-7), was passed by voice vote in the House. Our amendment works to ensure that funding levels for our high-needs schools remains consistent. “Even with our amendment, however, I could not support the ‘Letting Students Down Act,’ as it embodies its namesake. As we improve our education system, let us empower our students, not pass legislation that leaves them further and further behind.” To see Rep. Moore defending low-income students on the House floor, please click here. ### For “Moore” News Updates Follow Gwen Moore on Twitter @RepGwenMoore and Like Gwen Moore on Facebook