Gwen Moore Opposes Repeal of Affordable Care Act

I am simply amazed that my Republican colleagues are once again spending several days of our short Congressional calendar debating and attempting to repeal our health care reform law.


Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) joined nearly all of her Democratic colleagues in opposing a measure to repeal the landmark Affordable Care Act. 
“I am simply amazed that my Republican colleagues are once again spending several days of our short Congressional calendar debating and attempting to repeal our health care reform law. Since the GOP took the reins in the House, just 18 brief months ago, we have taken 30 votes to repeal or defund the Affordable Care Act. Today marks the 31st vote to dismantle the law. 
“It saddens me that my Republican colleagues would rather engage in political posturing than work together in a bipartisan manner to enact legislation that is in the best interests of the American people. Instead of taking this unproductive vote we could be working to pass a comprehensive jobs package. Instead we are here spinning our wheels, leaving the American people scratching their heads.
“Wisconsinites and people across this country have already seen the benefits of the Affordable Care Act including young people being able to stay on their families’ plans until age 26, small businesses receiving tax credits to provide health coverage for their employees and the elimination of discrimination against children with pre-existing conditions.
“Yet the House majority has chosen to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’ and repeal even those provisions that enjoy bipartisan support—seemingly just to score political points with their base.
“Enough is enough. Let this be our last vote on the Affordable Care Act – a law that even our Supreme Court chose to uphold. It’s time we work together to move this country forward instead of backward by focusing on creating jobs and improving our economy.” 
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