Gwen Moore Supports Bill to Reopen Government and Raise the Debt Ceiling
Washington, DC,
October 16, 2013
Economy and Jobs
Although I am pleased that the impasse has finally ended after 16 days of partisan action, we must remember that this dysfunction should have never occurred.
Contact: Staci Cox (202) 225- 4572 Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement after the House of Representatives voted to fund our entire federal government and pay the debt our nation has already incurred. “This evening my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both legislative bodies put politics aside and voted in the best interests of the American people,” said Rep. Moore. “Once President Obama signs the legislation into law, the government shutdown will end and a global economic disaster will be averted.” The Senate-approved language passed the House by a vote of 285 to 144. “Although I am pleased that the impasse has finally ended after 16 days of partisan action, we must remember that this dysfunction should have never occurred. As Members of Congress, it is our privilege and our obligation to represent our country above our respective parties. This Congress has failed. The Republican Party has steadfastly held on to their destructive political ideology, even in the face of widespread opposition from the American people. The House GOP cannot find consensus within their own party, let alone reach across the aisle to begin to work for their constituents, not in spite of them. Due to their seeming inability to lead this nation with positive conviction and purpose, we have been operating from one manufactured crisis to the next. The American people deserve better. “During the coming budget negotiations, I hope my Republican colleagues remember the pain they have caused our economy and families across this nation. I implore every Member on the negotiating team to come together in a good faith effort to address our differences. Let us all do what is right for the American people and end these antics.” ### For “Moore” News Updates Follow Gwen Moore on Twitter @RepGwenMoore and Like Gwen Moore on Facebook