Gwen Moore Opposes Pay China First Act, so-called Full Faith and Credit Act
Washington, DC,
May 9, 2013
Economy and Jobs
My colleagues on the other side of the aisle need to reevaluate their priorities and work to prevent self-inflicted damage to our economy.
Contact: Staci Cox (202) 225- 4572 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) opposed the Pay China First Act which passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 221 to 207. “Instead of appointing budget conferees and working towards a responsible means to reduce our deficit, Republicans continue to put the fiscal security of American families in danger. Alone, this Act would create uncertainty in the eyes of our creditors. This plan for default is nothing more than a Republican ploy to put the full faith and credit of our nation at risk. “If Republican politics bring our nation to default on its loans, the Pay China First Act would essentially pay bondholders from China and other foreign countries before our troops, veterans, small businesses that provide goods and services to the government, and physicians and hospitals that treat Medicare patients. “My colleagues on the other side of the aisle need to reevaluate their priorities and work to prevent self-inflicted damage to our economy.” ### For “Moore” News Updates Follow Gwen Moore on Twitter @RepGwenMoore and Like Gwen Moore on Facebook