Gwen Moore Responds to GOP Government Shutdown
Washington, DC,
October 1, 2013
Economy and Jobs
Tonight the GOP has not only pushed us to the brink of another manufactured crisis, they have forced our country over the edge.
Contact: Staci Cox (202) 225- 4572 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement following the shutdown of our federal government. “I am dismayed and disgusted that the Republican Party has taken their ideological fight over Obamacare this far. Tonight the GOP has not only pushed us to the brink of another manufactured crisis, they have forced our country over the edge. This childish act not only impacts thousands of federal government employees, it could also close the vital nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children, temporarily suspend government-backed small business loans and send a devastating shock wave through our economy. “Despite the appalling behavior demonstrated by the Republican Party this evening, they have not and will not prevent the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. As I have said many times, the Obamacare train has left the station. The health care marketplaces will open later this morning and millions will have access to health insurance for the first time. “It is past time my Republican colleagues understand that enough is enough. I implore GOP leadership to abandon their stalling tactics and allow a vote on the Senate’s clean Continuing Resolution. Time has officially run out. This hostage situation must end.” ### For “Moore” News Updates Follow Gwen Moore on Twitter @RepGwenMoore and Like Gwen Moore on Facebook