Gwen Moore Votes Against SEC Regulatory Accountability Act, So-Called "Cost-Benefit" Bill

I refuse to support legislation that seeks to harm those negatively impacted by the financial crisis.


Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) voted against the SEC Regulatory Accountability Act, which passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 235-161.  
“This so-called ‘Cost-Benefit’ Bill is nothing more than another political gimmick. This bill requires an overly stringent and arbitrary accounting of ‘costs’ to industry and works to dismantle Wall Street regulations. In the wake of the numerous bank abuses that nearly caused a second Great Depression, why on earth do Republicans want to make it easier for Wall Street to evade regulations?
“Once you read past the Republican rhetoric, it is easy to determine that this bill benefits Wall Street and costs taxpayers. I refuse to support legislation that seeks to harm those negatively impacted by the financial crisis.”
Watch Rep. Moore on the House floor opposing the “Cost-Benefit” Bill here.  
Read Rep. Moore’s Huffington Post Blog: GOP "Cost-Benefit" Bill Benefits Wall Street and Costs Americans
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