Gwen Moore Statement on Passage of the Payroll Tax Cut Bill

While I have some reservations about this legislation, I believe the passing of this of this bill is a positive step in the right direction and a great victory for the American people.

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement following the passage of the Temporary Payroll tax Cut Continuation Act. The legislation passed by a vote of 293-132. She released this statement:

“While I have some reservations about this legislation, I believe the passing of this of this bill is a positive step in the right direction and a great victory for the American people.

“This bill addresses our immediate economic priorities. It extends the payroll tax cut for 160 million Americans, ensures tens of millions of seniors can continue to see the doctor of their choice under Medicare, and extends unemployment benefits for the millions of hard-working Americans who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own – including about 31,000 Wisconsinites.

“There is still much work to do to keep our economic recovery moving in a positive direction for all Americans – particularly those most in need. We must continue to move forward in a bipartisan manner to do what is right for the American people.”


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