Moore Exposes Flaws in Ebola Travel Ban Proposal

Understandably, many Americans have grown increasingly worried about the recent confirmed cases of Ebola within our country's borders. This response is certainly reasonable, and I share my constituent's concern, but it is important to ensure that our alarm about this virus doesn't lead to unreasonable and dangerous actions.
WASHINGTON, DC -- In response to criticism regarding the handling of Ebola cases by local and federal officials within the United States, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
“Understandably, many Americans have grown increasingly worried about the recent confirmed cases of Ebola within our country’s borders. This response is certainly reasonable, and I share my constituent's concern, but it is important to ensure that our alarm about this virus doesn’t lead to unreasonable and dangerous actions. 
“Dr. Tom Frieden and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are working tirelessly to continue educating the public about transmission risks, safety protocols, and the on-the-ground federal response in a calm, constructive fashion. Unfortunately, many of my congressional colleagues have let their anxiety about this crisis dictate a panicked and perilous tone during a time when we need a cautious yet vigilant discussion.
“Those like Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) have suggested instituting a travel ban to and from West Africa. This idea may seem like a quick fix but in reality, isolating West Africa will only exacerbate the epidemic in the region. Aside from being impractical, this reactionary strategy will force Ebola patients underground making it nearly impossible to track their movements, hinder the capacity for international healthcare workers to transport and administer critical aid, and erode the continent’s fragile economy.   
“If Senator Johnson and his colleagues are looking for a silver bullet to address Ebola, they will be sorely disappointed to learn that such a thing doesn’t exist. Those calling for travel bans need to remember that it is paramount for us as elected officials to inform, not inflame. We need to continue to support the CDC in their efforts to quell this threat in a sensible and reasoned manner.”

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