Bannon Appointment Underscores Danger of Trump Presidency

Stephen Bannon has no place in the White House and his racist views have no place in our society. Put simply, he is a hate peddler, and the Breitbart News Network he manages is nothing more than a well of depravity masquerading as journalism.
WASHINGTON, DC – In response to the appointment of campaign strategist Stephen Bannon to a senior role within the Trump Administration, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement:
"After his victory, I tried to give President-elect Trump the benefit of the doubt that he truly wanted to unite us and heal the wounds that have left our nation so deeply divided. I had hoped his bigoted rhetoric was merely a campaign tactic, but after learning of the appointment of Stephen Bannon — a prominent leader in the white nationalist and alt-right movements — as a senior counselor to the president, my darkest fears about the man who will soon lead our country were strongly reaffirmed.
"Stephen Bannon has no place in the White House and his racist views have no place in our society. Put simply, he is a hate peddler, and the Breitbart News Network he manages is nothing more than a well of depravity masquerading as journalism. His appointment — one of President-elect Trump’s first official acts — is not only mortifying, but also a stark reminder of how far our country has to go in quelling hate both inside and outside the halls of government."       

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