Moore: Opponents working to make Obamacare implementation more difficult

U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore said on Sunday's "UpFront with Mike Gousha" that implementing the federal health care law was always going to be difficult, but opponents have worked to make it even more so. 
“It's a brand-new, huge program, and it's been more difficult with the relentless efforts of Republicans to frustrate it,” Moore, D-Milwaukee, said. 
Moore said getting the health insurance exchanges online by October will be a “huge problem,” particularly in Milwaukee because Gov. Scott Walker refused to expand Medicaid. 
“I'm expecting a very bumpy road,” Moore said. 
On immigration reform, Moore criticized approaches focused mostly on border security without making provisions for a path to citizenship. 
She said getting immigration reform passed is going to be “very difficult” unless Republicans who are in safe districts and have “extreme” positions begin to work across the aisle. 
Moore also explained her previous comments that Walker wouldn't be elected president. 
She said that while Walker is a “darling of Tea Party folk,” America is center-left, and women would reject him for his views on abortion. She also said mayors of both parties across the country would do so for him restricting local governments' ability to raise revenue. 
“While he is very handsome, well spoken, a good politician, I don't even think he'd be able to get out of the primary,” Moore said. “And he'd certainly be rejected in Wisconsin.”
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