Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans: Wisconsin congressional delegation graded on retiree votes

Contact: Billy Feitlinger – 608-239-5384 
Sen. Johnson, Reps. Ryan, Sensenbrenner, Petri, Duffy and Ribble Earn “Failing” Scores 
The Alliance for Retired Americans today released a new report detailing the voting record of every Wisconsin Representative and Senator on key issues affecting current and future retirees. The Wisconsin delegation’s grades are available at http://bit.ly/1hvIo5u and the full voting record and explanation of votes is at http://retiredamericans.org/issues/congressional-voting-record. 
The Alliance voting record examined 10 key Senate votes and 10 key House votes in 2013, showing the roll calls on issues such as: 
• whether to raise the retirement age and fast-track cuts to Social Security; 
• whether to privatize Medicare; whether to turn Medicaid into a block grant system;
• whether to limit voters’ rights by implementing photo identification requirements;
• whether to cap medical malpractice awards; and 
• whether to repeal the Affordable Care Act, retracting numerous improvements for seniors and Medicare beneficiaries in terms of coverage and benefits. 
“Last year marked another unproductive year in Congress. Enacting just 55 substantive pieces of legislation, too many in Congress continued their attacks on our most successful American programs – Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,” said Mike Pyne, the President of the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans. 
Billy Feitlinger, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans said, “Retirees in Wisconsin are very disappointed with many members of our Congressional delegation who time and time again use their votes to further the interests of large corporations instead of the people of Wisconsin, our retirees and our working families. Paul Ryan, for example, holds a 0% score for 2013 and a lifetime score of 5% on our voting record. He is leading the charge to fast-track cuts to Social Security and to privatize Medicare, among other horrible initiatives. Other Representatives earning failing scores of 0% this year are Representatives James Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri, Sean Duffy and Senator Ron Johnson.” 
Despite a tough political environment, the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans recognizes Senator Tammy Baldwin, and Representatives Mark Pocan and Gwen Moore for their 100% scores both for 2013 and for their entire Congressional career. 
“This Voting Record reflects how committed our elected representatives are to retirees and older Americans. We plan to use this record to praise those who have stood with us and to educate the broader public about the meaning behind all of our Representatives’ votes on seniors’ issues,” said Pyne, “We will use it to educate our fellow citizens and empower them to make the best decisions for them, their families and communities in 2014 and beyond.” 
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