Gwen Moore Celebrates Affordable Care Act Benefits for Women

By Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.
March 23, 2014
Contact: Staci Cox (202) 225- 4572
Gwen Moore Celebrates Affordable Care Act Benefits for Women
Milwaukee, WI - Today Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement celebrating Women's History Month and the fourth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act.
"Beginning with my mother, there are many women who have had an indelible impact on my life. I am grateful to them and to the countless women who have shaped our nation. While we recognize the great contributions women have made to improve our nation and our lives, let us also honor them by ensuring that women have the tools necessary to succeed.
"Important issues such as equal access to job and educational opportunities and equal pay in the workforce cannot be discarded. However, many times, our ability to achieve our goals begins with our health.
"As a woman, I am incredibly pleased to recognize the fourth anniversary of our landmark health care reform law. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition that allows insurance companies to charge women more for their health care. Women can no longer lose their coverage when they fall ill or become pregnant. In addition, over 790,000 women in Wisconsin no longer have to worry that they will reach their lifetime limit on health care coverage. Among many other benefits, millions of women now have access to preventive health services at no cost.
"I was proud to support the Affordable Care Act four years ago, and I'm proud to support it today. This Women's History Month, let us build on the success of the Affordable Care Act and work to ensure that women are treated as full citizens in every aspect of life."
Staci Cox
Press Secretary
Office of Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04)
2245 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
W: (202) 225-4572
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