Legislators Do Listen to their Constituents

By Kevin Fech
One thing that we are constantly hearing about is how our Legislators are not listening to what their constituents are telling them.  That they only are listening to the big money lobbyist.  Well, I can tell you that there are times when our Legislators are listening to their constituents.  
As I wrote recently, Continuing the Push for Integrated Employment, I, along with some other disability advocates, met with Representative Gwen Moore to discuss our thoughts on the recent conversations concerning the implementation of rules surrounding “integrated settings” in relation to employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
I thought the meeting went well. I thought we made an impact on Rep. Moore.  I have learned that Rep. Moore was indeed impacted by what we had to say.  So much so, she sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius with her support of the proposed CMS rule change, allowing individuals with disabilities to live a full community life, this includes employment opportunities. 
This is proof that some Legislators are listening to their constituents.  This is further proof, that Margaret Mead was correct when she said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
A big Thank You to Representative Gwen Moore for her belief that individuals with disabilities have the right to full participation in their community in the most integrated settings.
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