Kind, Dems call for state based health insurance exchange


WASHINGTON, D.C. (WXOW) - Members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation are asking Governor Scott Walker to implement a state-run health insurance exchange as part of the federal Affordable Care Act.
Rep. Ron Kind, Senator Herb Kohl, Rep. Gwen Moore, Senator-elect Tammy Baldwin, and 2nd District Representative-elect Mark Pocan sent a letter to Governor Walker pushing for the state-based exchange.
Wisconsin must inform the federal government by November 16 of how it plans to run the exchange.
"It is critical that Governor Walker moves forward and allows the State of Wisconsin to set up the health insurance exchange that best meets the needs of small businesses, family farmers and consumers here at home, it's the Wisconsin way," said Rep.  Ron Kind. "Health insurance exchanges have previously had bipartisan support. Now is the time to put partisanship aside and do what is best for the people of Wisconsin."
"State leaders must choose whether to create a state-based exchange, a hybrid state-federal exchange, or leave it entirely up to the federal government," said Senator Herb Kohl. "The best choice for Wisconsin's small businesses, families and individuals is to keep things in our state so we can meet our unique and specific needs. I hope that they will make the right decision for Wisconsinites."
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