Notes and quotes: "Grit in their craw," 7-day work weeks, Scott Walker's presidential prospects

By Tom Kertscher 
Some political notes and quotes from the past several days.
-- “The unemployed aren’t bums who don’t have any grit in their craw.” -- U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) told a Milwaukee gathering, according to
Moore also predicted that if Congress doesn't raise the federal minimum wage, President Barack Obama will.
-- State Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) told the Huffington Post that Wisconsin workers should be allowed to work seven days straight, if they want to, before taking a day off.
"All sorts of people want to work seven days a week," he said.
-- "I'm guessing" Gov. Scott Walker is "going to be a talk-radio Republican, he's not going to be a moderate, he's not going to be interested in compromise and that'll be a very good base for him to run for president on." -- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professor and former Democratic state lawmaker Mordecai Lee, on Wisconsin Public Television's "Here and Now."
-- Politico says Walker "has the dual tasks of appealing to voters in his blue home state," in running for re-election in 2014, "while also trying to introduce himself to the nation’s GOP primary voters" for 2016.
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