In Case You Missed It: Bikers get free bacon, and Letterman roasts Ron Johnson


By Rob Thomas
Quote of the Day: 
"When we return, I will continue to grill Rep. Moore like a Johnsonville brat."
— comedian Stephen Colbert, who had a lengthy interview with U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore of Milwaukee on Wednesday's "The Colbert Report." The duo sparred about Gov. Scott Walker, pantomimed a ride on a Harley together and ended the interview with a big bear hug.
Wisconsin gay rights activists are among those around the nation cheering Minnesota's acceptance of marriage equality this week. But while Minnesota may be right next door, Jack Craver reported on why it may be a long while before a similar bill passes in Wisconsin.
The hullabaloo in Baraboo is all about dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger and the so-called "raw milk" trial, but food freedom advocates see it as a much larger issue. Jessica VanEgeren reports on the upcoming trial, which has drawn so much attention that the Al Ringling Theatre, located across the street from the courthouse, is being reserved so people can watch a live stream of the proceedings.
Continuing our informal series of "Headlines We Can't Believe We Saw In The Cap Times," our lead op-ed today urges the GOP to follow State Sen. Glenn Grothman's campaign to keep restrictions on "rent-to-own" stores in place.
On a happier note, Madison seems to be embracing Bike to Work Week, and has gotten some beautiful weather to go with it. Along with free bacon.
And, finally, Rep. Moore wasn't the only one who got some screen time Wednesday. David Letterman featured Sen. Ron Johnson in his "Stooge of the Night" segment for Johnson's vote against background checks for gun buyers.
"Sen. Johnson, he has received $1.2 million in contributions from pro-gun lobby groups," Letterman said as a photo of Johnson appeared on the screen. "And, as you can see, he spent most of the money on flag pins and hairspray." (The video starts about 13 minutes into the episode.)
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