Women and Children's Nutrition: America's Best Investment

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The Huffington Post - Forty-five years after the Supreme Court took a stand against the summary denial of key safety net benefits, it’s clearer than ever that programs like WIC are not only essential for families’ survival but also for the nation’s long-run health and prosperity.

Wisconsin Still the "Selma of the North"

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Just as the citizens of Selma stood up for a just democracy in 1965, the Congressional Black Caucus and many others are standing up to protect the rights of voters here in the Selma of the North.

AmeriCorps Celebrates 20 Years of Service

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The Huffington Post - Last month, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of AmeriCorps, which works to serve our most vulnerable communities by sponsoring volunteers committed to lending a helping hand.

An Agenda for Fighting Hunger in Our Communities Year-Round

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The Huffington Post - As the school year winds down, millions of children across our nation are thinking about their summers and eagerly anticipating the last bell. Yet, for many low-income families, the end of the school year also means the end of access to school lunch and breakfast programs.

50 Years Since LBJ's War on Poverty

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The Huffington Post - It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly 50 years since President Johnson stood before Congress and gave the speech of a lifetime — launching his “War on Poverty.”

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