I have been fighting to get on the Ways and Means Committee for 14 years. Here’s why.

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I have been fighting to get on the Ways and Means Committee for 14 years. Here’s why. Milwaukee Community Journal In 1996, I was a Wisconsin state senator and witnessed through tears as the gavel fell the end of welfare as we know it.  I filibustered on the floor until into the next morning. I had my say, but the Republicans had their final say. It was crushing to witness the…

Congresswoman Gwen Moore: On Unwrapping Trump's Tax Gift to the Wealthy

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The Milwaukee Independent Let’s talk about your federal income taxes. Specifically, the more complex tax code you now face and the lack of widespread benefits of the Republican tax cuts that were promised. Republicans continue to claim that the tax law changes benefit all Americans and boost the broader economy. However, the mounting evidence demonstrates the critics were right…

The Hill: Maintaining democratic values in the face of race

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The Hill - A year ago, when Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Cecile Kyenge spoke in Washington at a Capitol Hill event, she emphasized the European Union’s (EU) motto: “united in diversity.” Today we can see just how deeply challenged this principle is – not just among EU member states, but throughout the world.

Remembering Vel, Our Revolutionary

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Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service - Waking up in the middle of the night to three missed calls from Vel Phillips wasn’t an unusual occurrence. If she wanted to talk to you, the time of day sure wasn’t going to stop her.

Why did Milwaukee-born Joseph Stone die in Ukraine?

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Russia’s war in Ukraine often seems distant and removed. The lack of attention the conflict receives is frankly unsurprising considering our president’s special affinity for Russian President Putin.

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