U.S. Rep. Moore: Recognizes the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision

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   Contact: Staci Cox(202) 225- 4572  Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision:  “Sixty years ago, the Supreme Court helped ignite the ongoing struggle for civil rights as it rejected the notion that…

To Keep Women Healthy, We Must Protect Them From Gun Violence

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  By Qudsia Raja  Several years ago, I worked at the YWCA Union County, New Jersey, where a woman was murdered on the steps of our shelter door. She was shot 16 times through the back by her former partner, killing her instantly in front of their two young children. While your first instinct may be to think that this tragic incident is an exception to the norm,…

Invest in our future; support the Ex-Im Bank

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  By Congresswoman Gwen Moore  The American middle class is not feeling the economic recovery. Income inequality between the lowest and highest earners continues to increase. Millions of struggling Americans remain unemployed. Congress needs to act to promote economic growth. Instead, House Republicans seem focused on callously worsening the lives of Americans if it…

Wisconsin Vets Caught Up in Huge VA Claims Backlog

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  By Erin Toner  One Milwaukee man waited more than a year after filing a disability claim to begin receiving compensation for injuries sustained in Iraq. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is under growing scrutiny following reports that dozens of vets died while waiting for care at the VA hospital in Phoenix. The facility is accused of creating a secret…

Madison businesses, state politicians send tributes to moms over social media

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  By Todd D. Milewski  Before thunderstorms were expected to roll into town later in the afternoon, Madison's moms got some pretty nice weather for Mother's Day. Good enough for a bike ride, right? Madison is home to a number of cycling-related companies, a few of which sent out creative greetings on Twitter on Sunday: @PowerTapFrom all of us here at…

Despite Shocking Reports of Fraud at Charter Schools, Lawmakers Miss Opportunity to Increase Oversight

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  By Zoë Carpenter   Between 2003 and 2008, a Minnesota charter school executive named Joel Pourier embezzled more than $1.3 million from his school, the Oh Day Aki Charter School. While students at Oh Day Aki went without field trips and supplies for lack of funds, Pourier bought houses and cars and tossed bills at strippers. Because his school received…

Sensenbrenner NSA reform bill faces competing proposals

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  USA Freedom Act passes committee unanimously, clearing major hurdle By Polo Rocha  Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Menomonee Falls, feels misled. Sensenbrenner, who authored the Patriot Act in the weeks following the Sept. 11 attacks, says the National Security Agency under both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama grossly misinterpreted the 2001 law and is…

Could Female Advisors Fix Boomers Retirement Crisis?

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  By Kenneth Corbin  WASHINGTON – Many women say they don't feel prepared for retirement. Could more female advisors solve the problem? As millions of baby boomers prepare to exit the workforce in the coming years, a large majority of women are feeling anxious about their retirement security, according to a new study. While highlighting the…

Women need more retirement education and female advisers to help them save

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  By Gillian Roberts  Employers should be concerned about their female employees’ confidence in their retirement savings, says Cathy Weatherford, president and CEO of the Insured Retirement Institute. At a Capitol Hill event Wednesday in Washington, congressmen, financial and benefit advisers and industry advocates came together to discuss the future for women…

Wisconsin Republicans go all in on Benghazi

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  By Donovan Slack  WASHINGTON — Wisconsin Republicans in the House voted unanimously on Thursday to form a special committee to investigate the events surrounding the attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012. Saying too many questions remain unanswered, Reps. Reid Ribble of Sherwood, Tom Petri of Fond du Lac, Paul Ryan of Janesville…

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