Congresswoman Gwen Moore: On unwrapping Trump’s tax gift to the wealthy

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Gwen Moore Milwaukee Independent Let’s talk about your federal income taxes. Specifically, the more complex tax code you now face and the lack of widespread benefits of the Republican tax cuts that were promised. Republicans continue to claim that the tax law changes benefit all Americans and boost the broader economy. However, the mounting evidence demonstrates the critics were…

SUDC Foundation Applauds Reintroduction of Federal Bill to Address Unexpected Child, Infant Deaths

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SUDC Foundation Send2Press Newswire The SUDC Foundation is pleased to support Scarlett’s Sunshine on Sudden Unexpected Death Act, legislation reintroduced by U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Doug Jones (D-AL) and U.S. Representatives Gwen Moore (WI-04), Tom Cole (OK-04) and Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) to combat sudden, unexpected infant…

Amber Alert for veterans: Green Alert bill would create national system to find missing vets

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Abbie Bennett Connecting Vets Radio "Soldiers do not leave the fallen behind in battle and we should not do so at home."  Those were the words of U.S. Rep. Gwen. S. Moore, D-Wisc., in a letter to fellow members of Congress when she introduced the “Corey Adams Searchlight Act” also called the “National Green Alert Act of 2019.” Moore introduced the bill to the House after another…

House passes reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act

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CNN Ashley Killough The House voted Thursday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, but the bill faces an unlikely future in the Senate where negotiators are working on their own version. The vote was 263-158, with 33 Republicans joining Democrats to pass it. The law lapsed earlier this year after Democrats declined to extend it, wanting to pass their own reauthorization…

Local faith and community leaders share messages against intolerance after Christchurch attack

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Staff Milwaukee Independent As communities around the world continue to recover from the aftermath of two terrorist attacks at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand during Friday Prayer, mourners gathered in Milwaukee on March 21 to stand together, united and unwilling to tolerate all forms of hate, bigotry, and violence. Hundreds attended the memorial vigil at the Islamic…

Milwaukee Stands United Against Hate: Interfaith vigil mourns massacre at New Zealand mosques

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EditorMilwaukee Independent Faith and civic leaders joined with hundreds of members of the public on March 21 at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee in support of the local Muslim and worldwide communities. The somber vigil came in response to the twin terror attacks in New Zealand by a white supremacist, who kiIIed 51 worshipers at two mosques in Christchurch. Milwaukee Mayor Tom…

Wisconsin's Congressional Delegation Divided On What's Next After Mueller Report

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Danielle Kaeding Wisconsin Public Radio Wisconsin's congressional delegation is divided along party lines on whether U.S. Attorney General William Barr should release the full report by special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. This week, Democrats said they are unsatisfied with…

RALIANCE Names Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as “Person of the Year” in New Awards Program

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Ebony Tucker Globe News Wire RALIANCE, a national partnership committed to ending sexual violence in one generation, announced today the recipients of four new “Raliance Honors” awards that recognize individuals whose hard work and leadership are helping create a world free from sexual harassment, misconduct and abuse once and for all. The honorees will be celebrated next week on…

GOP lawmakers from Wisconsin welcome Mueller finding of no Trump conspiracy with Russia

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Craig Gilbert Milwaukee Journal Sentinel   WASHINGTON – The news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no coordination by President Donald Trump or his aides with Russian election interference was welcomed by GOP members of Congress on Sunday.   "NO COLLUSION!" House member Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, a vocal Trump supporter, exclaimed on…

Congresswoman Gwen Moore scolds ICE over its fear tactics in letter defending Sheriff Earnell Lucas

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Staff Milwaukee Independent The U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement has arrested 83 people across Wisconsin since September 2018. According to the limited data provided by ICE, at least 39 of the individuals arrested in the state had no documented criminal history. President Trump has claimed that ICE has only been deporting dangerous gang members, drug dealers, and human…

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