The Impeachment Inquiry

As you know, Speaker Pelosi made a decision to move forward with an impeachment inquiry, which I fully support.

The Mueller report laid out disturbing facts that detailed how Trump welcomed foreign interference in the 2016 presidential election and obstructed justice. And recent news uncovered that in a phone call, Trump solicited Ukraine’s president to investigate a 2020 political rival. Administration officials then made concerted efforts to hide these conversations in a highly classified system. When a public servant raised objections to Trump’s actions in a whistleblower complaint, the administration prevented these concerns from reaching Congress.

This is a clear abuse of presidential power that jeopardized our national and election security. We can’t afford to look the other way.

Impeaching a president never drove my desire to serve in Congress, but I will not shirk my responsibilities to uphold the Constitution. This inquiry will allow Congress and the American public to know all the facts and reach a decision on how to hold the president accountable.