Dear friend,
As news surrounding the coronavirus continues to develop, I want you all to stay informed. I am sharing resources from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to help you and your family stay healthy and safe.
Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a novel coronavirus that first emerged in China in late 2019, but has spread across the world. On January 31st, HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar II declared a national public health emergency to help the nation’s healthcare community respond to COVID-19.
So what can you do?
COVID-19 infections spread from person-to-person through viral droplets of mucus or saliva that contain the virus that enters a person’s eyes, nose or mouth. Coronavirus can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It can also spread from contact with infected surfaces or objects. Some infected people show no symptoms. When the virus does cause symptoms, most symptoms are as mild. However, COVID-19 can occasionally cause more severe symptoms.
Therefore, the CDC advises individuals to take the same precautions that are always recommended to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses like the flu and the common cold. Visit the CDC’s Prevention and Treatment site for more information.
What You Should Do
- Avoid close contact with sick people. The CDC recommends maintaining a distance greater than 6 feet.
- When sick, limit contact with others as much as possible; if possible, stay home if you are sick.
- Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.
- Seek medical care if you feel sick with a fever or cough, or have difficulty breathing, and have traveled to China or may have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the 14 days before you began to feel sick. Before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead.
What You Should Not Do
- Do not travel to China, Iran, Italy or South Korea. This list is constantly being updated so stay informed.
- Do not use facemasks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Do not show prejudice to people of Asian descent because of fear of this new virus. Do not assume that someone of Asian descent is more likely to have COVID-19.
Travel Guidance from the CDC
The CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China, Iran, Italy and South Korea. The CDC recommends that older adults or those who have chronic medical conditions consider postponing travel to Japan. Please visit travelers’ guidance from the CDC for more information.
Stay Informed
CDC is updating its website daily with the latest information and advice for the public. Please visit the CDC’s website for the latest updates.
If you have questions or would like to receive more information on the coronavirus, contact Milwaukee City's Health Department at 414-286-3521.
And as always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my district office at (414) 297-1140.
Your friend,