Celebrating the Accomplishments of the Labor Movement

LaborFest is an opportunity to celebrate the important strides the labor rights movement made to affirm the dignity of the American worker. The state of Wisconsin played a special role in the labor movement, by being the first state to give collective bargaining rights to federal employees.

The labor movements’ accomplishments revolutionized work and cannot be forgotten. Without their work, we wouldn’t have 8-hour workdays, workplace safety requirements or paid holidays and breaks. 

 Addressing Prison Gerrymandering and Fighting to Restore Voting Rights
When a prisoner’s residency is counted by the Census Bureau as their jail’s address, rather than their most previous address, it often robs underserved communities of color of needed resources. I joined the Unlock the VOTE event along with community leaders to discuss the commitments House Democrats made to restoring voting rights those on parole and ending prison gerrymandering by passing H.R. 1.

The 25th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
On the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, I stood at the U.S. Capitol to recognize the work we must continue to reduce violence against women and the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women. The House passed this legislation and now the Senate must take a vote. We need to continue building on the progress of this legislation and can’t afford to move backward.

Protecting SNAP

The Trump administration’s proposed rule will alter how states determine who is eligible for food stamps by changing how TANF usage automatically determines who qualifies for SNAP. This will have grave consequences for seniors, children and the disabled, making already vulnerable Americans more food-insecure. Wisconsin stands to be one of the top states affected by this proposal with up to 18% of those currently receiving help from this program at risk. I sent a letter to Secretary Perdue, urging him to strongly reconsider their proposal.

I joined PoliticsNation with Reverend Al Sharpton to discuss the impeachment inquiry and more. 

Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UW-Milwaukee

I enjoyed visiting the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Lubar Entrepreneurship Center and learning how their one-of-a-kind facility provides entrepreneurs, students, and community members space to collaborate.

To see what else I've been up to, check out my "September in Photos" Facebook album.