Milwaukee, Your Vote is Your Voice
It’s not too late to register to vote! You can still register at your polling location on Election Day. Find out where to go here, and don’t forget to bring a valid proof of residence and State issued ID.
GOP's Broken Promises
This month, Rep. Pocan and I rolled out the latest state-level reports outlining in stark detail how GOP control of Washington has undermined the health and economic security of hard-working Wisconsin families. The report exposes Republicans’ broken promises on the core economic issues at the heart of House Democrats’ #ForThePeople agenda.
Celebrating the New A.O. Smith Milwaukee Chapter
A.O. Smith has always been a part of our city’s great history, and I am excited to celebrate the opening of their new chapter. As we work to combat the water challenges facing our country, companies like A.O. Smith help our city lead the way when it comes to innovation, development, and research.
Black Women and Girls Summit
I was so honored to join Reps. Barbara Lee & Robin Kelly at the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls Summit this month. Our girls are the future, and we must redouble our efforts to lift them up so our communities can rise up with them.
Empowerment Through Employment
I was honored to visit the Eisenhower Center sheltered workshop this month! They do such important work serving and employing Wisconsinites with disabilities. It was such a joy to spend an afternoon with them this National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
To see what else I've been up to this month, check out my October in Photos album on Facebook. |