
In June, I traveled to the Texas border to speak with children and families impacted by President Trump's inhumane and despicable zero-tolerance policy. Now, President Trump is attempting to replace one form of child abuse with another by jailing 7,500 kids and their families in tents on military bases. Family incarceration is not the solution to family separation. Congress must put an end to this cruelty once and for all.


Pathways Out of Poverty Listening Tour

Last week, I hosted Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and Congresswoman Barbara Lee for the second leg of the Pathways Out of Poverty Tour. In a stark contrast to Speaker Ryan’s “Better Way” agenda, which proposes devastating cuts to our nation’s proven anti-poverty programs, our listening tour focused on investing in innovative efforts to help struggling families rise out of poverty.


Milwaukee's Juneteenth  

Milwaukee has a rich tradition of elevating the song of emancipation to echo across the nation. Our Juneteenth Day is more than a celebration of progress, it's a living memorial of our fight for liberation. We must remember the past in order to forge a path of freedom for the future.


Celebrating Pride

During Pride Month, we march with our LBGTQ+ community members to shout out the vibrant and innumerable contributions they offer our nation and to protect our nation’s founding principle – that all are created equal. It’s our duty to carry this feeling of pride with us everyday of the year.


Maternal and Infant Health Equity  

Black babies born in Wisconsin die before age one at a higher rate than in any other state in the US. This month, I joined The Hill to discuss what Congress needs to do to mitigate this stark disparity and improve health outcomes for all mothers and babies.


Showcasing Milwaukee’s Young Artists

I had the honor of meeting our district’s Congressional Art Competition winner, Avery, when she traveled to DC to view her painting in the Capitol last week. Thanks to Northwestern Mutual for showcasing all of our district's competition entries last April. Congratulations, Avery!


To learn more about what I've been up to this month, check out my June in Photos album on Facebook.