Dear friend,
A federal court has rejected the Trump Administration’s rush to prematurely finish the 2020 Census. The deadline for the 2020 Census has now been extended until October 31st but I urge you to get counted TODAY! (if you have not already responded). This deadline extension gives us an opportunity to make sure Milwaukee receives a full count in the Census.
When I wrote about the Census back in June, WI-04 had a response rate of 59.8%. Since then, the number has only risen to 64.3%, which is significantly lower than the rest of the state. And even within the city of Milwaukee, some neighborhoods fall well below the citywide average. We need each and every home in our community to be counted!
I want to remind you that Census responses are confidential and safe. The Census will NOT ask about your citizenship status, Social Security number, or your banking information. The information gathered from the Census helps to ensure that our schools, infrastructure, and emergency services get the funding they need in order to provide essential community services.
Through October 31st, the U.S. Census Bureau is sending workers to visit every household that has not already responded to the 2020 Census. If a family member is not home when the census taker visits, they will leave a notice of their visit with information about how to respond online or by phone and may make additional visits to collect responses.
Here are the ways to respond:
- By phone at 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-468-2020 (Spanish)
- Visiting online
- Respond to the Census takers that may visit your home
Please help ensure that Milwaukee gets the resources that it needs!
Your friend,