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Click the links below to get the latest news...

Fighting for Paycheck Fairness
This week Gwen criticized Senate Republicans for blocking the Paycheck Fairness Act. Click here to read more.
June is LGBT Pride and Caribbean American Heritage Month
Read Gwen’s statements on LGBT Pride Month and Caribbean-American Heritage Month by clicking the links.
Gwen Moore Opposes the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act
Last week Republicans attempted to pass the so-called Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act(PRENDA). The bill did not receive the votes necessary to pass.  Click here to read Gwen’s statement in opposition to the bill.


What's Gwen been up to? Check out some of the latest pictures from events in Wisconsin and Washington.

Gwen speaks at a press conference introducing the International Violence Against Women Act.

Gwen greets constituents at her recent passport and citizenship fair.

Gwen greets veterans during the Milwaukee Memorial Day Parade.


Check out the latest news clips featuring news about Gwen and Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District.

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Check out the latest clips of Gwen on the House Floor and in the news.(click to view the videos)

A Special Message from Gwen on LGBT Pride Month

Gwen Moore Offers Amendment to DHS Appropriations Bill.

Gwen Moore Congratulates Nancy Pelosi on 25 Years of Service

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2245 Rayburn HOB
Washington , DC
Phone: 202-225-4572
Fax: 202-225-813
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219 N Milwaukee St STE 3A
Milwaukee, WI 53202