
Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Representing the 4th District of Wisconsin
Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Representing the 4th District of Wisconsin
Last week, I introduced the Gun Dealer Accountability Act, which would allow an increase in inspections of reckless gun stores, require dealers to conduct an annual inventory, and give regulators more power to investigate so-called sham license changes. Learn more about my new bill in ThinkProgress.

My bill, the Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Act, encourages states to remove firearms from the hands of domestic abusers. Learn more about this critical bill on my Youtube page.
Now that the House has voted to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank, it’s time for my Senate colleagues to follow our lead. Read more about this vital agency in my oped on CNBC.com.
I am honored and privileged to have taken part in the Volunteers in Service to America(VISTA)50th celebration last month. Read more about VISTA in the Milwaukee Courier. 
I am proud to have helped secure a multimillion federal grant to redevelop Westlawn public housing and the communities surrounding it. Learn more about this grant in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.



This Month in Pictures

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