
Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Representing the 4th District of Wisconsin
Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Representing the 4th District of Wisconsin

Shedding Light on Walker's Destructive Alliance with the NRA

Governor Scott Walker’s ongoing campaign to dismantle Wisconsin’s existing gun laws is dangerous and irresponsible. Read more about this in my opinion piece in Salon.

Senator Tammy Baldwin and I sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch in response to mounting frustration over the Department of Justice’s lack of expedience in the Dontre Hamilton investigation. Read more about this in Buzzfeed.
My interns created an Instagram account about their experiences on Capitol Hill. Follow us to learn more about life in Congress through the eyes of these future leaders.
I recently sent Governor Scott Walker a letter in response to his lawsuit against the federal government over drug testing food stamp recipients. Read my letter in my Newsroom.
I was honored to join President Barack Obama on Air Force One on his historic trip to Kenya and Ethiopia. Read more about the trip in the Washington Post.


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