
Hello Friends!

It's another week without unemployment insurance for over 40,000 Wisconsinites. They join more than 2 million people across our nation who are waiting on Congress to act. This week, the Senate passed a bill that would provide relief to those who have found themselves unemployed. Now it's time for those in the House of Representatives to do their jobs. I wrote an op-ed in the Huffington Post urging action. 

I joined with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, supporters and the unemployed at a press conference asking the House to act!

This woman pictured above is selling her clothing to survive. This is completely unacceptable. We must support people in need. 

(More photos here)


Other news:

This week, I led the debate on the House floor to support the Congressional Black Caucus alternative budget. Unlike the Republican budget, the CBC budget seeks to help working families and struggling Americans by reducing poverty and income inequality. Unfortunately, House Republicans passed the fiscal year 2015 budget that turns its back on millions


I always enjoy meeting the Les Aspin Center for Government interns from Marquette University!

For more news, including my bipartisan op-ed with Republican Representative Paulsen on the need to help sex trafficking victims, please click here(in the news), here(press releases)and here(YouTube videos). 

As always, please contact my Milwaukee office at(414)297-1140 or my Washington, DC office at(202)225-4572 with any questions or concerns. Stay in touch!
My very best,

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