GOP Government Shutdown Part Two
As the 11th day of the GOP government shutdown comes to a close, let's reflect on the continued Tea Party takeover.
Shut down the shutdown!
Late last week, I stood with my colleagues and federal employees to support our workers!
This week, instead of standing up for all federal government employees, House Republicans put together a series of piecemeal bills that funded only some programs.
(Photo via the Center for American Progress)
I found myself defending the future of the Women, Infants, and Children program and our vital children's education program, Head Start.
I honored the families of our fallen soldiers. The GOP piecemeal approach missed protecting death gratuities in their first bill. As a result, five military families did not receive their survivor benefits. My constituent was among the fallen.
My colleagues and I stood on the Capitol steps to demand a vote on a clean CR. We have the votes. 200 Democrats have publicly said they would support a clean CR. Enough Republicans have said the same. Speaker Boehner must allow a vote.
(Photo courtesy of Congressman Lowenthal)
I ended the week imploring my colleagues not to allow a US default.
Please know that I am doing everything I can to end this federal government shutdown. I will keep you updated with my efforts in Washington, DC. As always, if you need assistance or have a question please call my Milwaukee office at(414)297-1140 or my DC office at(202)225-4572. Let's shut down the shutdown!